[originaltext]W: Hi, Peter. Are you free this weekend? M: No, Jane. We’re work

游客2024-07-12  4

W: Hi, Peter. Are you free this weekend?
M: No, Jane. We’re working
W: How’s it going?
M: Not well. We’ve had some software problems.
W: You might ask John for help. He’s very good with computers.
M: Yes. He said he would help us to update the software.
W: That’s good.

选项 A、A sales plan.
B、A new project.
C、An annual report.
D、A monthly budget.

答案 B

解析 信息明示题。对话中,女士询问男士本周末是否空闲,男士作了否定回答,表示正忙于一个新的项目。由此可见,男士正在忙于一个新的项目,所以本题的答案为B)“一个新的项目”。A)“一项销售计划”、C)“一份年度报告”和D)“一份月度预算”均与对话内容不符,因此可以排除。