[originaltext]M: Shall we discuss our department budget this afternoon?W: That

游客2024-07-11  7

M: Shall we discuss our department budget this afternoon?
W: That’s okay. How about three o’clock?
Q: When may the speakers discuss their budget?
M: What’s the matter, Anne? You look worried.
W: I can’t find my keys. I’ve probably left them on the train.
Q: Why does the woman look worried?

选项 A、She has missed the train.
B、She has failed an interview.
C、She has had a bad cold.
D、She has lost her keys.

答案 D

解析 事实细节题。题目询问女士看起来心事重重的原因。男士问女士怎么了,女士回答自己找不到钥匙,可能落在火车上了。可见,女士心事重重是因为弄丢了钥匙,故选D项She has lost her keys(她弄丢了她的钥匙)。女士说自己可能把钥匙落在火车上了,并不是错过了火车,排除A项She has missed the train(她错过了火车)。B项She has failed all interview(她面试没通过)和C项She has had a bad cold(她得了重感冒)都没有在对话中提及。