[originaltext]M: If it does not rain, let’s go out for a walk this evening.W:

游客2024-07-11  8

M: If it does not rain, let’s go out for a walk this evening.
W: I’d love to, but I have to look after my baby.
Q: What will the woman probably do this evening?

选项 A、Have a walk.
B、Go to the cinema.
C、Take care of her child.
D、Go to see her child.

答案 C

解析 本题考查细节判断能力。对话中男士提议如果不下雨,晚上一起去散步,女士说:“我很乐意去,但是我得照顾我的孩子。”后半句才是女士的真正意图,C项Take care of her child(照顾她的小孩)用take care of同义表达了对话中的look after“照顾”,因此是女士今晚可能会做的事。A项Have a walk(去散步)是男士的提议,女士实际上拒绝了。B项Go to the cinema(去看电影)对话中未提及。D项Go to see her child(去看望她的孩子)与对话中的look after“照看”孩子不符。