Our center was founded in 1999 in Beijing. One of its goals is to develop comput

游客2024-07-11  5

问题 Our center was founded in 1999 in Beijing. One of its goals is to develop computer materials and to teach business owners how to use computer technology in their business activities. It offers training programs on a variety of business topics based on demand. If you are interested in the business training on any of the following topics, please contact us at 701-223-0707 or email to info@trainingnd.com.


答案 本中心于1999年在北京成立。它的目标之一是开发计算机材料并教会企业负责人如何在他们的商业活动中使用计算机技术。中心根据需求提供各种商业主题的培训课程。如果您对以下任一主题的业务培训感兴趣,请致电701-223-0707或发邮件至info@trainingnd. com与我们联系。

解析 1. 第一句中,was founded为被动语态,译为“被成立,被建立”,为符合汉语表达习惯,可翻译为“成立”。
2. 第二句的主干是“One of its goals is to develop…and to teach…”。to develop…和to teach…是and连接的两个并列的不定式短语作表语。在to develop这个表语中,develop意为“发展;研制”,根据后面的宾语computer materials,此处可译为“开发”。在to teach…这个表语中,how to use computer technology为宾语补足语,in their business activities是地点状语,business owner译为“企业负责人”。
3. 第三句中的It指代前面提到的Our center,为使译文通顺流畅,此处可将It译为“中心”;on a variety of business topics为介词短语作后置定语,修饰training programs;based on demand为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰business topics。
4. 最后一句中,If引导的是条件状语从句,在该从句中,on any of the following topics是介词短语作后置定语修饰business training。主句是please开头的祈使句,are interested in意为“对……感兴趣”。