[originaltext]W: Doctor, I’ve had a headache since yesterday evening. M: Have

游客2024-07-11  7

W: Doctor, I’ve had a headache since yesterday evening.
M: Have you taken any medicine so far?
Q: What might be the relationship between the two speakers?
W: Do you like to travel by yourself or with others?
M: I prefer to travel alone, because it is easier to plan a trip.
Q: What does the man think is the advantage of traveling by oneself?

选项 A、He can see more places.
B、It saves money.
C、It’s easier to plan a trip.
D、He can make different friends.

答案 C

解析 信息明示题。女士询问男士喜欢独自旅行还是与他人一起旅行,男士回答说他愿意独自旅行,因为这样更容易计划一次旅行。由此可知,男士认为独自旅行的优点在于C项“更容易计划一次旅行”。对话中没有提及A项“他能够去看更多的地方”、B项“这样可以省钱”和D项“他可以交到不同的朋友”,因此可以排除。