[originaltext]W: Hello, Air Trailer. What can I do for you, Sir?M: Can I book

游客2024-07-11  5

W: Hello, Air Trailer. What can I do for you, Sir?
M: Can I book a ticket to New York for next Friday, please?
W: Sure, but all the tickets of direct flights from Beijing are sold out. Would you mind a transfer ticket?
M: No. Where shall I go first, Hong Kong or Tokyo?
W: Tokyo. You’ll wait there only for a couple of hours.
M: Well, that doesn’t sound too bad. When can I get the ticket?
W: Any time. Would you like to have it delivered to you?
M: Yes, please.
W: No problem.
M: Can I have a discount?
W: Yes, a ten percent discount.
M: Fine, thanks.

选项 A、5%.

答案 B

解析 What’s ’the discount allowed?
本题为数字计算题。这道题的问题是“What’s the discount allowed?”(可以打多少折扣?)discount意为折扣,原文可以直接找到答案a ten percent discount,也就是10%。