If you are attending business meetings in America, you’d better ______. [br] Whi

游客2024-07-11  6

问题 If you are attending business meetings in America, you’d better ______. [br] Which of the following statements is True?

选项 A、People from other cultures don’t know how to give their opinions at meetings.
B、As an employee, you are expected to participate in business meetings actively.
C、Brainstorming is the process of discussing a particular problem.
D、If you don’t give your ideas at meetings, you’ll be regarded as an uninteresting person.

答案 B

解析 本题为推理题。全篇都贯穿了这样一个思想,那就是:在美国的商务会议上,人人都应该积极参与。而且,根据第二段"If an employee appears to be passive at a meeting,Americans may feel that the person is not contributing to the meeting.”所以,雇员当然应该积极地参与会议。故选B。