Melbourne is well-known in the world for its ______. [br] According to the passa

游客2024-07-11  5

问题 Melbourne is well-known in the world for its ______. [br] According to the passage, Melbourne is a citywhere ______.

选项 A、rich people choose to live
B、the best wine is produced
C、various cultures exist
D、Asian food is popular

答案 C

解析 由文章的第六句话可知,墨尔本是一个文化底蕴丰富的城市,故C)选项表述正确。错误选项分析:A)富人选择居住的。偷换概念型。原文说的是culturally rich,指的是墨尔本的文化很“富有”,而不是说墨尔本是一个富人居住的地方。B)能酿出最好的酒的地方。过分推断型。原文只提到墨尔本有很好的葡萄酒厂,并未说这里能酿出最好的酒。D)亚洲的食物很走俏。无中生有型。原文并未提到亚洲的食物。