[originaltext]W: Hello, Utopia Products. Jenny Butler speaking. How can I help

游客2024-07-10  5

W: Hello, Utopia Products. Jenny Butler speaking. How can I help you?
M: Good morning. This is Tony Green of Europrint speaking. Could you confirm that you’ve received our samples?
W: Ah yes, the samples. No, I’m afraid they haven’t arrived yet.
M: Well, Er...we sent them to you by airmail on February 6.
W: But I’m sorry we haven’t received them. Maybe they’ve got lost in the post. Would you mind sending us a second set? You see, we do need them rather urgently.
M: Yes, all right, I’ll see to it right away.
W: Thank you. When can I expect them?
M: In about two days.
W: I think that will be OK.

选项 A、By post.
B、By train.
C、By express.
D、By airmail.

答案 D

解析 How did the man send the samples?