According to the writer, the greeting "How do you feel?" ______. [br] You’ve put

游客2024-07-09  6

问题 According to the writer, the greeting "How do you feel?" ______. [br] You’ve put a bug in his ear means that you’ve ______.

选项 A、hurt him
B、given him some kind of warning
C、embarrassed him
D、shown concern for him

答案 B

解析 put(或drop)a bug in sb’s ear(美口)事先给某人暗示。本题为句子理解题,此类型题可在该句上下文中求得线索。转折连词"but"是信号词,表明其前后两句意义相反,破折号后内容是对前文的补充说明。此句意思应为"他可能回答道‘我很好’,但你已给被问话人某种暗示或提醒",因此,只有B项最为通顺。