When we reached the train station, the train had not arrived yet; so we ______.A

游客2024-07-09  5

问题 When we reached the train station, the train had not arrived yet; so we ______.

选项 A、needed not to hurry
B、needn’t have hurried
C、didn’t need to hurry
D、had not needed to hurry

答案 B

解析 当我们到达火车站时,火车还没有出发,我们本不必这样匆忙。本题考查的目的是情态动词的特殊用法needn’t have+过去分词,表示过去没有必要做的事情。再如:You needn’t have woken him up. It’s only five.你其实不必叫醒他,现在才5点。