Once we have accomplished one thing, we need to remember that there is plenty le

游客2024-07-08  10

问题 Once we have accomplished one thing, we need to remember that there is plenty left to do. The feeling that we are always aiming for new goals, always on the brink (边缘) of doing something new and exciting, makes it easier for us to tackle new challenges with enthusiasm. Of course we have the right to feel satisfied occasionally, but not for too long, otherwise this sense of satisfaction will keep us from moving forward.


答案 我们每完成一件事,就要记住还有大量的事情等着要做。那种总是在为新的目标而奋斗,总是要从事新的,令人激动的工作的感觉,能使我们更容易满怀热情地去应对新的挑战。当然,我们也有权利偶尔感到满足,但时间不能太长,否则这种满足感会阻碍我们继续前进.

解析 第二句中的定语从句很长,并带有一种平行句式(always...;always...),译成“总是……,总是……”与原文对等,而且层次较为清楚;makes it easier中的it是形式宾语,代替to tackle...,因此译为“使……变得更为容易”。