You have read an advertisement and want to write an application letter. 假如你是

游客2024-07-07  8

问题 You have read an advertisement and want to write an application letter.


答案 Dear sir or madam.
    From your advertisement in Today’s Newspaper, I learnt that you need a few English-Chinese interpreters and guides in view of the fast growing volume of tourism in China. I take the liberty of offering myself for the post as an inte

解析     求职信是进行自我推销的机会。求职信有两种:即自荐信和应聘求职信。如果是自荐求职信,就要给对方留下深刻的印象,强调说明你所具有的技能,使其认为你具有在该公司工作的能力。而应聘求职信则必须说明应聘职位的信息的来源,如看到报刊上刊登的招聘广告,或由熟人、中介介绍等。在格式上和一般的信函基本相同。首先开门见山,提出申请。在正文中解释你为何适合这份工作(包括教育背景、资历、工作经验)和你为何选择此工作。在结尾时感谢对方接受你的申请,并希望对方回复或给予面试的机会。
1.I am desirous of securing a position…我欲谋…职位。
2.I am writing to apply for…which was advertised.我欲申请在…广告上提供的…职位。
3.A copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference.兹附上个人资料一份,供参阅。
4.Enclosed please find a resume and a photo.随信寄上简历和一张照片。
5.I shall be glad to call at any time for an interview.我将随时恭候您对我的面试。
6.I would appreciate it very much if you could…如蒙…,将不胜感激。
7.Hoping you will give my application kind consideration,望您能仔细考虑我的申请。