[originaltext]W: I just bought some meat this morning, and now I can’t find it

游客2024-07-06  1

W: I just bought some meat this morning, and now I can’t find it anywhere. Do you know what happened to it?
M: Did you hear there is a wild dog nearby? That was it. I’m sure.
Q: What is the problem?

选项 A、The woman doesn’t like meat.
B、The woman didn’t come to see a dog.
C、The man was in the house this morning.
D、The dog stole the meat.

答案 D

解析 关键听懂第二句“Did you hear there is a wild dog nearby? (你没有听说附近有一只野狗吗?)”由此推断选A(她不喜欢肉)、B(她没有看见狗)、C(那名男子今晨在家)不对,只有D(狗偷了肉)是正确的。