What is NOT the characteristic of the earliest language systems? [br] What is th

游客2024-07-06  1

问题 What is NOT the characteristic of the earliest language systems? [br] What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

选项 A、Over 6000 languages and major dialects are spoken in the world today.
B、As some languages grow, others disappear.
C、Languages that grow also develop and change due to class, profession, age group, and other social forces.
D、Anthropologists are trying to record and preserve ancient languages that are still spoken in remote areas or by the last remaining people in a culture.

答案 B

解析 可根据文章第二段的“Latin Language”,“Hebrew”以及“the ancient languages of native peoples in central and south America, the Pacific Islands...”等例子说明语言是不断变化和发展的,即“As some languages grow, others disappear”。