About "Who is John Fitzgerald Kennedy ?", which of the following satements is NO

游客2024-07-05  2

问题 About "Who is John Fitzgerald Kennedy ?", which of the following satements is NOT true? [br] If Kennedy failed to deal with the Cuban missile crisis properly, what would happen?

选项 A、He would not attract young people.
B、His influence was not worldwide.
C、The peace would not come.
D、The presidency would not be so popular.

答案 C

解析 文章第三段“Nevertheless, his influence was worldwide, and his handling of the Cuban missile crisis may have prevented war.”(尽管如此,他的影响还是世界性的,并且他对古巴导弹危机的处理已经使(世界)避免了战争。)得出c项“和平将不会到来”是正确的。