[originaltext]M:I need 3 stamps and an envelope,please.W:Sorry,sir.You are at

游客2024-07-05  0

M:I need 3 stamps and an envelope,please.
W:Sorry,sir.You are at the wrong window.Go to Window 7,please.
Q:Where does this conversation most probably take place?
M:Could you arrange for me to see Doctor Black tomorrow morning?
W:I’m afraid not.He won’t be free until 11:30.
Q:What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?

选项 A、Husband and wife.
B、Nurse and patient.
C、Teacher and student.
D、Boss and employee.

答案 B

解析 本题关键在于对男士语言的理解。男士说"arrange for me to see Doctor Black"可知是女士安排他去见布莱克医生。可知女士为护士。