21 Nanima Street

游客2024-07-05  1

问题 21 Nanima Street
                                                                                                                                                                                       NSW 1806
                                                                                                                                                                             7th February, 2000
Dear John,
   You must accept my apologies, John, for not having written sooner but we were just so busy over the Christmas and New Year season. Firstly I would like to thank you for the kids’ Christmas presents. They were happy with them and could hardly wait to open them.
   Secondly thank you ever so much for the beautiful calendar. The scenes are very beautiful and we cannot get over the peaky mountains.
   We now have a new addition to our family. Our new daughter arrived nine days early on 2nd February. We have decided to call her Nicole Alison and all is well. I’m having a lovely rest here in the Forbes hospital, but I’m to go home in a couple of days. Stephen was disappointed he didn’t get a brother, but he doesn’t seem to mind now. Monica of course just loves the baby and I feel she’ll be trying to mother her all the time. Julianne and Ted were happy, too, of course. I guess there will be great excitement when we go home.
   Well, John, I must finish now. You will now have an excuse to come and see us again and meet the new member of the family. You should know by now that you are welcome any time because we enjoy having you.
   All the very best and thank you again for your lovely gifts.
   With best wishes
                                                                                                                            Ted & Julie


答案 Because they were just so busy over the Christmas and New Year season

解析 根据文中“You must accept my apologies, John, for not having written sooner but we were just so busy over the Christmas and New Year season.”这句来做。