______ consideration, his plan seems to be more workable.A、Taken intoB、Taking e

游客2024-07-05  1

问题 ______ consideration, his plan seems to be more workable.

选项 A、Taken into
B、Taking everything
C、Taken everything into
D、Everything taken into

答案 D

解析 Everything taken into consideration. 是分词的独立主格结构,在句中相当于一个条件状语从句"If you take everything into consideration...”。分词独立结构由名词或代词+分词构成,可放在句首或句尾,表示时间、原因、条件、方式或伴随情况等。如:That being the case, we’d better make another plan. 情况既然如此,我们最好重新制定计划。(原因)He was lying on the grass, his hands crossed under his head.他躺在草地上,头枕双手。(方式)有些独立结构中没有分词,仅在名词或代词后直接跟作表语或状语的词或词组,省去的分词一般是being或having been,如: Breakfast over, he went to school. 他吃完早饭就去上学了。He stood on deck, pipe in mouth. 他站在甲板上,嘴里刁着烟斗。