When he arrived, he found ______ the aged and the sick at home.A、none butB、none

游客2024-07-04  0

问题 When he arrived, he found ______ the aged and the sick at home.

选项 A、none but
C、nothing but
D、no other than

答案 A

解析 考点为习惯用浯。none but意为“只有……”。例如:They chose none but the best.(他们只挑最好的,)None but a strong man could have lifted it. (只有强壮的男人才能举起的。)none other than意为“不是别人,正是……”,表示惊奇。例如:It’s none other than Tom! We thought you were in Africa.(不是别人正是汤姆! 我们还以为你到非洲去了呢。)nothing hut意为“只有……、只不过”。例如:Don’t have him for a friend,he is nothing but a criminal.(不要把他当朋友,他只不过是个罪犯。)no other than不是习惯用法。