It’s a very satisfactory hat, ______ it doesn’t fit me.A、except thatB、exceptC、

游客2024-07-04  0

问题 It’s a very satisfactory hat, ______ it doesn’t fit me.

选项 A、except that
D、except for

答案 A

解析 介词except的用法。介词except一般用于表示“除……之外(在整体中除去一部分)”,即except连接的是表示部分与整体的名词、代词等。例如:We all succeed except him.(除了他,我们都成功了。)I looked everywhere except in the bedroom.(除寝室外,我到处都找遍了。)except for意为“除了、只有”,用于说明基本情况后,在细节上加以修正,也就是说except for两边所出现的词没有像we与him,everywhere与in the bedroom那样部分与整体的关系。例如:His composition is excellent except for some spelling mistakes.(他的作文很好,只有几处拼写错误。)Except for one old lady,the bus was empty.(除了一位老太太外,车上空无一人,)except that专用来接名词性从句。例如:This suit fits me well except that the trousers are too long.(除了裤子太长外,这套装很适合我,) He is a good student except that he is occasionally careless.(他是个好学生,但偶尔有点粗心大意。)