Dr. Schweitzer settled the argument because ______. [br] Implied but not stated:

游客2024-07-04  3

问题 Dr. Schweitzer settled the argument because ______. [br] Implied but not stated: ______.

选项 A、Both men were patients.
B、The natives trusted Dr. Schweitzer.
C、Dr. Schweitzer’s hospital was in the jungle.
D、The canoe was fastened with a rope.

答案 B

解析 本题为逻辑推理题。一般而言,当人们自己解决不了纠纷而愿意让谁评判时,这人往往能让发生纠纷的双方信任。所以B项“当地人信任Dr. Schweitzer”为正确答案。此题还可用反推法来选择,因为A“两个人都是病人”不对,只有一个是病人;C“Dr. Schweitzer的医院在丛林里”文中已明确指出;D“小绳用船绳系牢了”与文中之意不符。