[originaltext]M: Why were you so late for class this morning?W: My bicycle was

游客2024-07-04  0

M: Why were you so late for class this morning?
W: My bicycle was broken on the road.
Q: Why was the woman late for class?
M: May I see Dr. Smith, please?
W: I’m sorry. He has gone to Shanghai on business. He will be back next Friday.
Q: When will Dr. Smith come back?

选项 A、Next Wednesday.
B、Next Thursday.
C、Next Monday.
D、Next Friday.

答案 D

解析 细节题。男士问“我可以见见史密斯博士吗?”女士回答“对不起!他出差去上海了。他将在下星期五回来。”问史密斯博士什么时候回来,因此选项D“下星期五”为正确答案。