[originaltext]M: Good morning. I want to buy a new house.W: What type of house

游客2024-07-04  0

M: Good morning. I want to buy a new house.
W: What type of house do you want?
M: Sorry, I don’t know. Do you have any suggestions?
W: Well, which type do you prefer, a villa or an apartment?
M: I have got a big family, three children, my wife and my parents.
W: I suggest you to choose a villa.
M: OK, I want to move in next month.
W: By the way, would you please fill out the registration form?
M: All right.

选项 A、Apartment.

答案 B

解析 What’s type does the man decide to buy?问男士需要什么类型的房子。根据对话内容,可判断出答案是B“别墅”。