[originaltext]W:Tony,you’d better eat less and do some exercise, and then you w

游客2024-07-04  1

W:Tony,you’d better eat less and do some exercise, and then you will feel healthier and look more handsome.
M:All right.I’ll try my best to change myself.
Q:What does the woman suggest?
M:Good afternoon,Madam.What can I do for you?
W:I’ve got a bad cold.My head aches terribly.
Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place?

选项 A、In an office.
B、In a shop.
C、In a restaurant.
D、In a hospital.

答案 D

解析 本题考查地点方位。根据对话内容可知女士得了重感冒,因此来寻求男士帮助。据此可推知他们可能是医患关系,而对话可能发生在医院,因此选项D正确。解答此题关键要听清楚女士的话。选项A(在办公室),选项B(在商店)和选项C(在餐馆)这些场所都不可能发生上述对话,故应排除。