[originaltext]M: I can’t find my ping-pong bats in the drawer and my friends ar

游客2024-07-04  0

M: I can’t find my ping-pong bats in the drawer and my friends are waiting for me downstairs.
W: Look in the closet. This morning I cleaned up the drawer and I put everything down there.
Q: Where will the man find his pingpong bats?

选项 A、At the downstairs.
B、In the closet.
C、In the drawer.
D、In the living room.

答案 B

解析 题目询问这位男士在哪儿能找到他的乒乓球拍。关键要听山女士的回答,她让男士到储藏室去看看,因为她整理了抽屉,“把东西都放到储藏室了”。所以选择B项。