[originaltext]M: I see you are a mother of two. Do you think you can manage to

游客2024-07-04  2

M: I see you are a mother of two. Do you think you can manage to study here?
W: Yes. My children are quite grown up now. They don’t demand much of my time.
M: Really? Are they still in school?
W: Well, the bay is at college, and the girl is in high school. They both work: hard and behave quite well,
M: So I see you have (9) plenty of time now.
W: It’s not only that. (8)I want to learn more: I’ve always wanted to have a degree in education.
M: I see. So have you taken any courses before? I mean, as you are so fond of learning.
W: Yeah. (9)In fact I had taken a two-year course before I got married. You think I’m too old to learn?
M: Oh, I don’t mean that. No one is too old to learn. We do have some students of’ your age in our school. (10)We will be very glad to have you.
W: Thanks a lot.

选项 A、Tile woman’s request is rejected by the man.
B、The woman is too old to study in college.
C、The woman has to take a test to be admitted.
D、The woman is welcome to study there.

答案 D

解析 本题考查的是考生对细节信息的把握能力。题目询问对话的结尾暗示了什么,其实也就是在询问这个谈话的最终结果如何。根据男士的话“We will be very glad to have you,”(很高兴你能加入我们。)可知,女士最后被接受,所以正确答案为选项D(校方欢迎女士来校上学)。选项B(女士因年龄太大而不能在大学学习)与原文“No one is too old to learn.”(活到老,学到老)相悖,故应排除。选项A(女士的要求被拒)也很容易被排除。选项C(女士要先参加考试才能被录取)纯属无中生有,故应排除。