[originaltext]W: Adam. I can see that you simply couldn’t give up smoking.M: N

游客2024-07-04  1

W: Adam. I can see that you simply couldn’t give up smoking.
M: Nonsense. Smoking is the easiest thing in the world to give up. I’ve done it a hundred times.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
M:May I watch what you’re doing?
W:Sure. You dig a hole,put in the seed,cover“with dirt,and then water it.
Q:What is the woman doing?

选项 A、She is looking for water.
B、She is planting something.
C、She is getting dirty.
D、She is looking for something.

答案 B

解析 本题的解题关键在于根据一系列动作行为判断女士在做什么。男士问:“我能看你正在做的事吗?”女十说:“当然。先挖个坑,放进去种子,盖上土,然后再浇水。”因此推知女士在种东西,答案选B.