What is a proverb? It is a short saying that______. [br] [originaltext] A p

游客2024-07-03  1

问题 What is a proverb?
It is a short saying that______. [br]  
A proverb is a short saying that gives advice. Proverbs are based on people’s experience and often date back to the early days of a country. Every country has its own proverbs. You can learn a great deal about a country just from its proverbs. Proverbs take several forms. Sometimes proverbs may use an animal or other non-human thing to show something about how people should act. And sometimes they just give a short piece of advice. But proverbs are always interesting sentences with a certain rhythm or an amusing play on words. They always contain some advice about how to live. Reading a proverb takes a special skill. The words seem very simple, but you have to think about the meaning behind the words. When you read a proverb, first try to understand what the words of the proverb say. Then try to figure out the real meaning behind the words.


答案 how to live/act

解析 由题干可知这里需要填入一个名词性成分。这个题目要求考生在听音的时候要善于总结。原文中提到了谚语有时会使用动物或其他非人类的东西来教育人们——to show something about how people should act;有时只是给一个小小的建议:They always contain some advice about how to live.据此可以写出正确答案。