[originaltext]M: I’d like to have a single room with bath today.W: I’m sorry,

游客2024-07-03  1

M: I’d like to have a single room with bath today.
W: I’m sorry, but all the rooms are booked.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: Susan, we’ll go camping this weekend. Would you like to join us?
W: Oh, great! I like camping very much.
Q: What will they do at the weekend?

选项 A、Go camping.
B、Go sightseeing.
C、Go shopping.
D、Go skating.

答案 A

解析 信息明示题。男士说他们周末要去野营,并询问女士是否同去,女士表示非常乐意去。可见。他们周末耍去野营,所以A)为正确答案。B)“观光旅行”、c)“购物”和D)“滑冰”都不符合,很容易排除。