[originaltext]W: David. have you ever placed an ad in the Campus Daily? M: Yes

游客2024-07-03  0

W: David. have you ever placed an ad in the Campus Daily?
M: Yes. I once did that to sell my bike I no longer needed.  
W: When was that?
M: Last May. I think. Why do you ask?
W: I’m thinking of selling my old book since I am going to graduate.  
M: Are they in good condition?
W: Pretty good.  
M: Well. you can call Berne Li. He is the head of the advertising department of the paper.  
W: Do you know what rates they charge?
M: Last May it was 10 yuan for the first 30 words and 50 fen for each word added.  
W: 10 yuan for the first 30 words. That is not too bad.  
M: Yeah. it’s reasonable.  
W: Do they charge extra for pictures?
M: No. that’s free. But they do charge you more if you Want to put in a bow or something.  
W: I see. Thanks. That’s very helpful.  
M: It’s a pleasure.
What are the speakers talking about?
What rates do they charge?
Who can the woman call if she wants to place an ad in the Campus Daily?

选项 A、Miss Berne Li.
B、Mr. Berne Li.
C、Mr. David.
D、Miss David.

答案 B

解析 根据…you can call Berne Li. He is the head…可知, 如果女士想登广告她应该给Mr. Berne Li打电话, 故选B。