[originaltext]W: Did you cook the soup yourself, Mike? It’s delicious.M: No. M

游客2024-07-03  1

W: Did you cook the soup yourself, Mike? It’s delicious.
M: No. My mother cooked it for me.
Q: Who cooked the soup?
W: Why don’t you join me at the gym sometime? I can get you a guest pass.
M: Well, maybe someday, but I’m pretty lazy about things like that.
Q: What do you know about the man?

选项 A、He is a pretty lazy man.
B、He doesn’t like gym.
C、He doesn’t want a guest pass.
D、He will join the woman.

答案 B

解析 根据“你和我一起健身吧。我可以给你一张贵宾卡。以后吧。但是我真是懒于做那些。”可知,男士不喜欢健身,故选B。