[originaltext]W:Hilton Hotel.May I help you?M:Yes.I like to reserve two rooms,

游客2024-07-03  0

W:Hilton Hotel.May I help you?
M:Yes.I like to reserve two rooms,please.
W:Certainly,sir.When would you like to come?
M:Next week.From the first to the third of May.Two nights.
W:Certainly.What kind of rooms would you like?
M:A single with a shower and a double with two beds.
W:Fine.What is your name,please?
M:Tome Jones.
W:Thank you.Mr.Jones,your rooms are reserved.
M:Thank you very much.
W:You are welcome.
6.What kind of rooms does the man want to reserve?
7.When will the man come to the hotel?

选项 A、A single room.
B、A double room.
C、A single room and a double room.
D、Two single rooms.

答案 C

解析 对话围绕预订房间展开。根据男士所答A single with a shower and a double with two beds. (一间有淋浴的单人房间和一间有两个床位的双人房间。)可以得知,男士定了一间单人房和一间双人 房。答案选C