任俊杰 求职目标 寻求一份北京合资企业的总经理工作 工作经历 2000年10月至今北京市外商投资企业行政与服务中心副主管,负责指导投资与

游客2024-07-03  2

问题 任俊杰
   出生日期:1966年5月16日  性别:男  健康状况:良好


答案     Resume
Personal Data
Full Name: Ren Jun jie
Birth date: May 16 . 1966
Sex: Male
Health: Excellent
Family Status: Married
ID Card No.: 110124660516004
   Career Objective
   To work as a general manager in a joint venture enterprise in Beijing
   Work Experience
10/2000--present: Vice Director of Beijing Administration and Service Center for Enterprises with Foreign Investment Responsible for Providing guidance for investment and trading activities, introducing investment projects and potential partners.
8/1998—8/2000: Supervisor of Administration of General Pharmaceutical Factory of Beijing
   Responsibilities included planning and directing all phases of departmental operations, and preparing work schedules.
   9/1984-7/1 988: Bachelor of Business Administration in People’s University of China
   9/1981-7/1984: Beijing No. 101 High School Foreign Language
   English: Intermediate in reading and fluent in speaking
