Although intelligence is very important as part of the work ethic, initiative ta

游客2024-07-02  1

问题 Although intelligence is very important as part of the work ethic, initiative takes a much more important role in workplaces. It is very easy for employees to think of good ideas, but it is of ten difficult to have someone take responsibility for those ideas. It’s pointless to have good ideas "just sitting around" . Someone has to act on them.


答案 尽管才智是工作规范中十分重要的组成部分,但进取精神在工作场所中起着更为重要的作用。雇员想出好主意并不难;但让某人为那些主意承担责任通常是不易之事。让好主意“闲在那里”是毫无意义的,必须有人将其付诸行动。

解析 work ethic工作规范;initiative进取,主动;act on对……行动。