According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is NOT true?

游客2024-07-02  1

问题 According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is NOT true? [br] The passage is mainly about ______.

选项 A、why modem dance is popular
B、how to train new modem dancer
C、the development of Ballet Rambert
D、the developmentof modern dance

答案 C

解析 该题是主旨题。本文是说明文。文章介绍了Ballet Rambert舞蹈团的发展过程;该舞蹈团克服困难,培养新人,推崇现代舞蹈,受到了观众,特别是年轻人的欢迎。错误选项说明:A本文不是介绍现代舞为什么受欢迎的;B本文没有介绍训练现代舞蹈家的方法;D本文谈的不是现代舞的发展,而是 Ballet Rambert这个舞蹈团的发展。