She can not ______ her mother again, because she shouted at her all day long.A、k

游客2024-07-02  1

问题 She can not ______ her mother again, because she shouted at her all day long.

选项 A、keep up with
B、catch up with
C、put up with
D、take up with

答案 C

解析 句意:她无法忍受她的母亲,因为她一天到晚吼叫。keep up with: 跟上;不落后;赶上:Don’t run—I can’t keep up with you. 别跑了,我赶不上你了。Are wages keeping up with inflation? 工资跟得上通货膨胀吗? catch up (常与with连用)赶上:Go on in front, I’ll soon catch you up. 你先走,我一会儿就会赶上你的。put up with: 忍受;忍耐;受苦take up with与(人)交往。