This passage is chiefly about ______ 。 [br] Preventing smoker-caused forest fire

游客2024-07-02  0

问题 This passage is chiefly about ______ 。 [br] Preventing smoker-caused forest fires is mainly a problem of ______ 。

选项 A、building the proper knowledge and habits in human beings
B、safeguarding the forests from fire
C、posting rules in forests
D、holding the damage to minimum

答案 A

解析 题干意为“防止吸烟人造成的森林火灾主要是…问题”。该题为细节题。由文章第二段最后一句“The prevention of smoker-caused fires...changing the attitudes and behavior of...”可以看出防止吸烟人造成的森林火灾主要是改变他们的看法和行为习惯。