[originaltext]W: I’d like to book a train ticket for Beijing, please?M: Beijin

游客2024-07-02  0

W: I’d like to book a train ticket for Beijing, please?
M: Beijing. What time?
W: Next Monday, April 11th.
M: All right. Do you want a seat ticket or a sleeper ticket?
W: Sleeper, please.
M: OK. 245RMB.
W: Here is the money.
M: Here is the ticket, thanks.

选项 A、Seat ticket.
B、Sleeper ticket.
C、Single ticket.
D、Return ticket.

答案 B

解析 What kind of ticket does the woman want to book?问女士想要订哪种类型的票?选项B“卧铺票。”是正确答案。