[originaltext]W: Did you hear about the car accident on Roman Road yesterday?M

游客2024-07-01  1

W: Did you hear about the car accident on Roman Road yesterday?
M: Yes. (6)I heard that they took the two drivers to hospital. One needed surgery.
W: That’s right.
M: The second driver was luckier.
W: Yes. He was released from hospital yesterday evening. The other man could be there for weeks.
M: His condition can’t be very good.
W: The hospital announced this morning that his condition is poor but stable. What does that mean?
M: (7) It means he’s really badly injured, but he will almost certainly survive.
6. How many people were injured in the accident?
7. What is the condition of the man who needed surgery?

选项 A、He was released from hospital yesterday evening.
B、He will be released from hospital the next day.
C、He is unlikely to survive for his bad condition.
D、He is in bad condition but can survive in the end.

答案 D

解析 根据男士所说It means he’s really badly injured,but he will almost certainly survive可知,那位需要手术的司机确实伤势很重,但过段时间肯定能脱离生命危险。