With such a short time (leave)______, it’s impossible for us to finish this comp

游客2024-06-30  2

问题 With such a short time (leave)______, it’s impossible for us to finish this complicated experiment.


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解析 剩下这么短的时间,我们不可能完成这个复杂的实验。with+sth.+doing/done分词结构。这是分词独立主格结构,即分词有其自己的主语,独立于主句的主语。一般作伴随情况状语。在这个结构里,分词也要和它的主语保持逻辑上的一致,本句中time和分词是被动关系,所以空格处填过去分词left。参考例句:(1)With Peter working in Birmingham,and Lucy traveling most 0f the week,the house seems pretty empty.(彼得在伯明翰工作,露西一周内又常出门,这间房子似乎相当空着)。(2)With the computer working,he has left the office for a while.(他离开办公室有一会儿了,电脑还开着)。介词短语同样有上述用法。例如:(1)John rushed into the classroom,with a book in his hand.(约翰冲进教室,手里拿着一本书)。(2)Amy is walking in the yard carefully,with a kitty in her box.(埃米在院子里小心地走,盒子里装着小猫)。