[originaltext]W: Here s a ten-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight’s sh

游客2024-06-30  0

W: Here s a ten-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight’s show, please.
M: Sure. Two tickets and here’s a dollar forty cents change.
Q: How much does one ticket cost?
W: Did your team win the game?
M: If only our team had scored one more point!
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、His team lost the game.
B、His team is the best one at present.
C、His team won a very close game.
D、His team didn’t get a single point.

答案 A

解析 解答本题的关键在于听清并理解男士的话If only our team had scored one more point。对话中女士问:“你们队赢得了比赛吗?”男士说:“要是再多得一分就好了!”注意此处用了虚拟语气,言外之意是他们队输掉了这场比赛。