Jack Welch is among the famous CEOs because his management style is taught a

游客2024-06-30  2

问题     Jack Welch is among the famous CEOs because his management style is taught at business schools throughout the country. He has been with the General Electric Company(GE)since 1960. Having taken GE with a market value of about $12 billion, Jack Welch turned it into one of the largest and most admired companies in the world, with a market value of about $500 billion, when he stepped down as its CEO 20 years later, in 2000.
    As Jack Welch wrote in a letter to shareholders: "In the old culture, managers got their power from secret knowledge: profit margins, market share, and all that... In the new economy, the role of the leader is to express a vision, and put it into practice. That calls for open, caring relations with every employee, and face-to-face communication. People who can’t convincingly(有说服力地)express a vision won’t be suecessful. But those who can will become even more open— because success builds up self-confidence."
    Welch believed that great business leaders have to:
    possess large amounts of energy, and
    know how to use that energy to motivate others.
    Welch moves from meeting to meeting, conveying that message—and many more others as well, some of which have become his trademarks:
    Business is simple.
    Don’t make it complicated.
    Face reality.
    Don’t be afraid of change.
    Use the brains of your workers. [br] This passage is mainly about ______.

选项 A、relations between the employer and employees
B、Jack Welch’s view of business management
C、development history of GE company
D、courses taught in business schools

答案 B

解析 主旨大意题。本题询问本文写作的主旨。全文主要包括两部分,第一段介绍韦尔奇成功之处在哪里,剩余的段落介绍他的管理理念,可见全文围绕的是韦尔奇的管理理念,因此本题应选B项。