[originaltext]W: Hello, Silk Branch, Who is calling?M: This is Brown speaking.

游客2024-06-30  1

W: Hello, Silk Branch, Who is calling?
M: This is Brown speaking. May I speak to Miss Li?
W: Speaking, please. This is Li.
M: Good afternoon, Miss Li.
W: Good afternoon.
M: Have you got the contract ready for signature?
W: Yes, I have. I gave you a ring just now, but you were not in
M: How about this evening? Will you be free then? Our manager invites you to dinner this evening. We can sign the contract before the dinner.
W: That’s very kind of you. I’ll be very pleased to be with you for the dinner. When shall we meet?
M: Please wait at the hotel. We’ll come and pick you up at half past six. Then, we’ll drive to the Capital Restaurant. It’s only a ten - minute ride from your hotel. Is it convenient for you?
W: That’s great! See you at six thirty.
M: See you soon.
Question 6: What did Mr. Brown do when Miss Li rang him up?

选项 A、He went to a park.
B、He had a talk with Conrad.
C、He talked about the contract.
D、He went out for a walk.

答案 D
