The passage is mainly concerned with ______. [br] Which of the following is NOT

游客2024-06-30  1

问题 The passage is mainly concerned with ______. [br] Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the life of Michael Jordan?

选项 A、He has loyalty to his coach and team.
B、People are influenced by his way of speaking and dressing.
C、He often has to play basketball in bad health.
D、He shows dignity and grace when dealing with problems.

答案 C

解析 本题问的是下面哪一个关于迈克尔•乔丹生活的说法是错误的。选项A、B、D在文章最后一段都有提及.选项C意为他经常在身体不好的时候打球,而文章第二段第五句只是说有一次尽管身体不好,但凭借坚强的意志,他仍然取得子很好的成绩。因此选项C为正确答案.