[originaltext]W: Hello, this is New York Airlines. What can I do for you, sir?

游客2024-06-29  1

W: Hello, this is New York Airlines. What can I do for you, sir?
M: I’d like to make a reservation to Detroit, please.
W: Yes, of course. When?
M: On the 13th, late in the afternoon.
W: We have a flight at 4: 30.
M: That’s toe early, I’m afraid. Do you have a later one?
W: Let me see...The next flight is at 5:15, and there’s another at 6:30.
M: I’d better take the 6:30 one. By the way, how long does it take to get to Detroit?
W: About an hour and a half.
M: Fine, please reserve a seat for me, then.

选项 A、At about 4:30.
B、At about 5: 15.
C、At about 6:30.
D、At about 8:00.

答案 D

解析 At what time will the man arrive in Detroit?
本题为时间判断题。对话中多次出现时间,但根据原句“I’d better take the 6:30 one...”可知该男士选择了6:30起飞的飞机。我们还知道到达底特律需要an hour and a half,即“一个半小时”,因此到达目的地的时间应该是8:00。