By the end of this year Mr. Smith______in our company for exactly three years.A、

游客2024-06-29  1

问题 By the end of this year Mr. Smith______in our company for exactly three years.

选项 A、is working
B、has worked
C、will work
D、will have worked

答案 D

解析 到今年年底,史密斯先生在我们公司工作将满三年。本题考查将来完成时的用法。将来完成时主要表示一个动作在将来某时之前,将要完成,还可表示可能性和猜测。句中by和时间连用也是该时态常见用法。参考例句:(1)We will have covered five hundred English words by the end of this term.(到这个期末,我们将学完五百个英文单词)。(2)They will have arrived home by five o’clock.(五点的时候,他们应该会到家了吧)。