[originaltext]M: Hi, Kate. Are you coming for dinner on Wednesday night? It’s m

游客2024-06-29  0

M: Hi, Kate. Are you coming for dinner on Wednesday night? It’s my turn to cook.
W: You are cooking, Adam? I don’t know if I should believe you.
M: My parents do. I have learnt a lot about cooking. And something I make is really good!
W: Do you make dinner often?
M: Every Wednesday. (9)You see, My Mum has gone back to work for some time. So all the housework is divided (8) among the four of us.
W: David cooks too?
M: He surely does. And pretty well too. His turn is Tuesday. My Mum cooks on Thursday and my Dad on Monday.
W: (10) And who does the shopping?
M: Usually my Mum and I. We do shopping on Saturday.
W: Oh, that sounds nice. I’d like to go and taste the food you make.

选项 A、Three.

答案 B

解析 题目询问亚当一家有几口人。通过“... among the four of us.”可以看出男士家中有四口人,选项B正确。类似的细节题只要认真听出相关信息即可做出正确判断。即使没有听到“the four of us”也可做出正确判断,因为对话中还提到他父母,还有另一个人David,据此也可计算出总共是四个人。所以选项A、选项C和选项D均可排除。