[originaltext]W: (6) Why don’t you get a decent job for a change? M: (8) But I

游客2024-06-28  0

W: (6) Why don’t you get a decent job for a change?
M: (8) But I like my job.
W: Look, (7) digging gardens is not a job for a university graduate.
M: (8) But the money’s not bad and there is plenty of fresh air.
W: If I were you, I’d go on to take a new

选项 A、Go on a holiday for a change.
B、Look for a better job.
C、Find a place in a university.
D、Go on studying for a higher degree.

答案 B

解析 根据原文(6)处可知,这位女士建议他换工作,why not 表示建议,decent“好点的,像样的”,故选B。