[originaltext]W: Now, Mr White, did you see the accident clearly?M: Oh, yes, I

游客2024-06-28  1

W: Now, Mr White, did you see the accident clearly?
M: Oh, yes, I was standing outside my house.
W: Do you remember what time it happened?
M: Yes, it was 4: 30 by my watch.
W: Good. Now, was the truck going fast?
M: Yes. Well, perhaps the driver thought the light was changing to green. But it was red.
W: Are you sure, Mr. White?
M: Yes, absolutely sure.
W: Then the truck hit the taxi, did it?
M: Yes, with much noise. Then I called the police.
W: Well, thanks a lot, Mr. White. Good-bye.
M: Good-bye.
8.What are the two speakers talking about?
9.What did the man tell the woman?
10.Who called the police?

选项 A、A fight in the street.
B、A traffic accident.
C、A damaged house.
D、A dead driver.

答案 B
